Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
What is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)?
Autologous platelet growth factor-rich plasma (PRP) is a safe and effective therapeutic approach for musculoskeletal degenerative conditions and is a clinically promising method in degenerative spine pathology. This plasma has substances that platelets release, called growth factors, superior to those of basal plasma, which promote tissue regeneration and control inflammation.
Growth factors are a group of substances that are naturally found in blood plasma and inside platelets. They play an important role in tissue healing and regeneration processes and promote cell migration and division, thus stimulating the regenerative response of damaged tissues and their de-inflammation.
PRP, due to its high content of growth factors, is able to accelerate healing or to quickly and efficiently osseointegrate different types of bone implants.
PRP infiltrations consist of the ultrasound or X-ray guided injection of a solution from a small sample of the patient’s blood which, through a centrifugation process, separates the various components of the blood and isolates a pool of platelets and growth factors.
The treatment has been used to treat many different injuries and pathologies for more than 20 years, but it has only been in recent years that it has been scientifically proven to significantly relieve pain in different spinal pathologies, without any reported side effects.
In which cases are PRP infiltrations indicated?
This type of infiltration is an effective alternative for the control of pain and the associated functional limitation and at BSI we have been using this technique for some years.
When surgery is not indicated, or during post-surgical recovery, these infiltrations may be an option as part of a multidisciplinary therapy against chronic pain, which includes medical-psychological follow-up, therapeutic exercise and physiotherapy-osteopathy.
Infiltrations with enriched plasma make it possible to treat people of all ages (as the possible side effects of cortisone do not have to be assumed) with preference for those in whom the degenerative pathology is in its initial phase and it is ideal to allow a rapid recovery in athletes.
Since it works with autologous plasma, the patient’s own plasma, it is a particularly safe technique for diabetic patients, hypertensive patients, patients with allergies or drug intolerances, and does not alter the endocrinological or metabolic balance.
What are the benefits of the treatment?
In the multidisciplinary treatment approach that BSI offers to patients with spinal conditions, PRP infiltrations are an effective technique to control pain and promote functional recovery, avoiding the use of other medications (such as corticosteroids, analgesics, etc.).
One of the major benefits is to harness the recovery potential of the patient’s body by stimulating tissue regeneration and reducing inflammation.
Moreover, since PRP is obtained from the patient’s own blood, there are no adverse effects after the treatment.
How long does the treatment last?
The guideline usually includes three image-guided infiltration sessions at one- to two-week intervals. The infiltrations are performed under ultrasound guidance and usually in the office, on an outpatient basis. After the infiltration, it is recommended to avoid physical exertion for 48 hours after each session. Subsequently, the patient can lead a normal life.