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What is Kyphosis?

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine consisting of an arching or rounding of the back. It is common in adolescents and adults and is detected because in some cases people with kyphosis develop a hump in the back, so they may feel discomfort and / or have pain or difficulty breathing.

What are the different types of kyphosis?

There are different types of kyphosis, which can be classified according to their cause, age of onset, or characteristics of the curvature.

Postural kyphosis usually appears in adolescence, as it depends on the development of muscles and bones during growth. This is due to incorrect posture, and may cause mild discomfort, although if treated correctly it may not cause problems in adulthood.

Scheuermann ‘s disease is another type of kyphosis, also known as “juvenile kyphosis”. This pathology causes the vertebrae to be wedge-shaped/triangular, rather than rectangular, especially in the thoracic region. The wedge shape causes the spine to bend forward. Children and young adults with Scheuermann’s kyphosis are unable to correct posture and maintain a straight back. The causes are unknown, but are usually genetic.

As a rule, patients with Scheuermann’s disease usually have a good prognosis, as the disease stops when they stop growing. If the kyphosis results from a joint problem, surgery will be needed to improve the symptoms and correct the pathology.

Kyphosis - Diagnosis

Congenital kyphosis occurs when the foetal spine develops abnormally. Several vertebrae fuse together and the bones do not develop correctly. It is important to treat this type of pathology as it can worsen as the child grows and may require corrective surgery at an early age.

Neuromuscular kyphosis: can be caused by neuromuscular conditions, such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida.

Degenerative kyphosis: may be caused by degenerative diseases of the spine, such as arthritis or disc degeneration.

Fracture kyphosis: can be caused by fractures of the vertebrae due to osteoporosis or trauma.

What are the symptoms of kyphosis?

Symptoms of kyphosis vary depending on the severity of the curvature, age, activity level and how quickly it worsens over time. The most common symptom of kyphosis is pain in the middle or lower back. In addition, there may be other symptoms such as tenderness of the spine, or stiffness of the back; tiredness and, in severe cases, shortness of breath. Physical appearance and self-image

What are the causes of kyphosis?

Kyphosis can appear at any age, although the causes at certain periods are different. In adults, kyphosis can be caused by degenerative diseases or trauma, such as fractures due to osteoporosis and spondylolisthesis. But it can also be caused by scoliosis
hormonal or metabolic diseases, infections, tumors or polio.

How is kyphosis diagnosed?

The specialist will assess the abnormal curvature of the back by means of a medical examination. Aspects within the nervous system may also be assessed, as a neurological disorder may explain physical changes including weakness, paralysis or tenderness in the area.

Diagnostic tests such as full spine telemetry and MRI are commonly performed, as well as tests to measure bone density or related to the respiratory system, if the condition affects breathing.

What is the treatment for kyphosis?

Kyphosis - CorsetThe treatment of kyphosis depends on the type of kyphosis the patient suffers from, although normally, if neurological symptoms are present and pain persists, surgery is necessary. Also when the curvature is so pronounced that it hinders or compromises breathing and heart function.

Congenital kyphosis is treated by corrective surgery at an early age. Scheuermann’s disease requires bracing and physiotherapy and in severe cases may require surgery. If the kyphosis is caused by infection or tumour, drug treatment and surgery are required. Cases of kyphosis due to fracture may also require surgery to prevent collapse of the spine.

The aim of kyphosis corrective surgery is to reduce the curvature of the spine and stabilize it, usually by means of bone fusion (arthrodesis). The surgical procedure may vary depending on the severity and location of the curvature. Implants (screws, rods and/or hooks) are usually used to provide support to stabilize the spine and hold it in the corrected position until bone fusion occurs. In some cases it may be necessary to make controlled cuts in the vertebrae (osteotomies).

Kyphosis - Treatment - Surgery

Can kyphosis be prevented?

While Scheuermann’s kyphosis and other forms of kyphosis may be genetic and/or congenital in origin, there are some steps that can be taken to help prevent or minimize development and reduce the likelihood of requiring surgery: a early diagnosis and the use of a brace, performing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks, to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and to maintain proper ergonomics and posture.

If there is a family history of kyphosis or if you notice symptoms as described above, it is advisable to consult a spine specialist. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention can help prevent the progression of kyphosis and minimise any negative impact on quality of life.


Kyphosis specialists