Chronic back pain
Chronic back pain
Pain is the most common symptom in spinal pathology. Studies indicate that almost 20% of the population in Spain suffers back pain for different causes and with varying intensity. And about 80% have suffered or will suffer back pain at some time in their lives.
What are the different types of back pain?
In general, we classify back pain in the following way: acute (up to 6 weeks of involvement), sub-acute (more than 6 weeks) or chronic (more than 3 months of uninterrupted involvement).
Back pain occurs in people of all ages, but usually in adults. In some cases, it is the result of serious injuries, causing temporary or permanent disability. In other cases, it is back pain of mechanical origin: muscular or tensional, which prevents people from leading a normal life.
Pain can be caused by an anatomical cause, related to the patient’s own spinal biology; a psychological cause; or by a social reason, such as professional activity, habits, or the activity of each individual. But we also know that the origin is often to be found where multiple causes converge.
How is back pain treated?
Every back pain requires the most appropriate response to the individual case. We accompany patients through all types and stages of back pain.
Sometimes specific surgeries are required, but usually the solution to pain does not necessarily involve surgical intervention. In fact, between 85% and 90% of cases it is not required. But sometimes before or after surgery you have to take care of back pain.
However, rehabilitation, therapeutic exercise, or minimally invasive treatments are most common.
In other cases, patients need psychological support, also or even after the physical discomfort has disappeared.
The coordination of the knowledge of the different areas of specialization of our team allows us to face pain and care for each person from all these aspects. Personalized attention for as long as necessary is our goal. All this without forgetting the importance of training the patient in the best habits and daily activities for the health and well-being of the spine.