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Dr. Susana Núñez

Spine surgery

Dr. Susana NúñezDr. Susana Núñez Pereira is a specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, with more than ten years of exclusive dedication to spinal surgery. Her main speciality is in cases of degenerative pathology and scoliosis-kyphosis.

She graduated in Medicine from the University of Oviedo in 2003, later specialising in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology via MIR at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, and obtaining her doctorate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), with an excellent grade – cum laude.

Dr. Dr. Núñez has worked as a spine surgeon in prestigious and highly specialised hospitals, including the Werner-Wicker-Klinik/ German Scoliosis Centre (2010-2012) and the St. Franziskus Hospital Köln (2012-2017), both in Germany. The first hospital is an international referral centre mainly dedicated to the treatment of scoliosis and spinal deformities. The later is a multidisciplinary service in which traumatologists and neurosurgeons work together with exclusive dedication to spinal pathology, handling all types of techniques, including microsurgery.

She is an active member of national (GEER – Spanish Spine Society) and international (Eurospine, DWG, North American Spine Society) scientific societies, exclusively dedicated to spine pathology.

She is currently working as a spine surgeon in the Spine Unit of the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona and as a researcher associated with the European Spine Study Group (ESSG) at the VHIR(Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research), as well as in the Spine Unit of the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona – Barcelona Spine Institute (BSI).

His main lines of research are risk stratification in patients with adult scoliosis, the study of complications in spine surgery, and especially the management and prevention of postoperative infection.

Áreas de Especialización

Her main speciality is in cases of degenerative pathology and scoliosis-kyphosis.


Spanish, Catalan, German and English
